This Saturday, May 13th, Baque Flamingo is celebrating their 4-year birthday! Join us at LolaLieven (Amsterdam West) from 3pm to play Maracatu, eat delicious vegan food, and honor the centuries-long fight of black and indigenous people for equality and justice with us! May 13th is an important day in the history of black and indigenous resistance. On this day 135 years ago, slavery was ‘officially’ abolished by the Portuguese monarchy that governed Brazil, but true equality and social justice never came to those who were abused. The consequences of racial and social inequality still prevail in Brazil today, as in the Netherlands. Baque Flamingo upholds Maracatu de Baque Virado, a vital part of Afro-Brazilian culture and resistance. We want to dedicate our 4th birthday to acknowledge to the work of black and indigenous communities in the fight for true emancipation! This is what we’ve prepared: 15h – Reception with snacks 16h – Visual screening: Collectives fighting for social justice 17:30 – Discussion with master Garnizé, Afro-Brazilian musician and activist 18:30 – Vegan dinner hosted by Flamingos 19:30 – Play Maracatu & dance 21:00 – End May 13th at LolaLieven (Rodenrijsstraat 43).